IHR users


The Institute of Historical Research aims to provide a flexible service to meet individual needs.

IHR accessibility services


The Institute of Historical Research (IHR) promotes equal opportunities in all activities irrespective of disability, ethnic origin, gender, marital status, social class, number of children, age, political beliefs or sexual orientation.

The IHR fully supports the University of London's Accessibility policies and the School of Advanced Study's Equality policies. This statement supplements these statements and policies. The Director of the IHR has responsibility for ensuring that the IHR complies with its legal requirements.

We hope that we have created an atmosphere in which Institute visitors, students and staff are encouraged to disclose information relating to any disability. All such information will be treated as confidential.

Go straight to Contact information.

Access to the building

The Institute is located in the north wing of Senate House, accessible from the entrance below the tower. Lift access is available to all floors. If the lift isn’t working we can make other arrangements. 

Accessible toilets are located on floor 1 and lower ground floor.

Heavy doors and high shelving in some locations may mean that visitors need help. You are welcome to bring an assistant. The library can provide a fetch service.

You can take a virtual tour of the IHR with Google to help with planning your visit. You can navigate between floors using the floor numbers on the right hand side.

If you require a parking space please contact Senate House Reception by emailing reception@london.ac.uk or calling 020 7862 8133 in advance so that staff can reserve one for you.

Access to digital content

The Institute of Historical Research aims to make its digital resources as fully accessible as possible.

For more information on the accessibility of the School of Advanced Study websites, visit https://www.sas.ac.uk/about-us-6/accessibility

Information for people attending meetings and events

For further information visit the School of Advanced Study Disability and Access to Events page.

A portable induction loop is available from the IHR reception desk for use in small meetings.

Information for library users

The IHR library aims to provide a flexible service which we can adapt to suit your needs.

Assistive equipment and software

  • Two adjustable tables.
  • 'Daylight' lamps with magnifiers.
  • Multicoloured overlays
  • Our public PCs use Windows 11 and readers are recommended to use the in-built Windows accessibility features.
  • A portable induction loop is available from the IHR reception desk for use with enquiries.

Please ask at library enquiries if you need any help.

Library information

Information can be made available in alternative formats.


We provide a free copying service and can make copies available in a variety of formats, e.g. large print, scans converted to text.

Copyright exceptions allow us to make accessible copies from library collections.

Contact the library

Please contact us the library discuss your needs, all information will be treated confidentially. 

  • email: ihr.library@sas.ac.uk
  • phone: 020 7862 8760.

Please let us know if there are any aspects of the library which you feel could be improved.

Information for IHR students and prospective students

Visit the Disability Support section of the School of Advanced Study website for further information.

Emergency evacuation

There are designated Refuge points with an Emergency Call Point on each floor for people unable to use the stairs. Evacuation chairs are available for emergency use, but otherwise you can remain at the refuge call point.

A Deaf Alerter can be collected from the IHR reception for notification that the alarm is sounding.


  • For general enquiries and student admissions: Dr Conor Wyer, Institute Manager: conor.wyer@sas.ac.uk; tel 020 7862 8758
  • For event enquiries, please contact the SAS Academic Engagement and Impact team: ihr.events@sas.ac.uk or sas.events@sas.ac.uk
  • For assistance in using the library: email: ihr.library@sas.ac.uk phone: 020 7862 8760

IHR disability statement as a PDF

IHR Disability statement PDF 55.86 KB