The Institute of Historical Research is part of the School of Advanced Study. For further information please visit Governance of the School.
Responsibility for the strategic direction and leadership of the Institute rests with the IHR Director, supported by the governance structure below.
IHR Committees
IHR Management Team
Professor Claire Langhamer (Chair)
Professsor Catherine Clarke (CHPPC)
Professor Philip Murphy (History & Policy)
Neil Stewart (IHR Library & Digital)
Conor Wyer (IHR Manager)
Advisory Council
Professor Margot Finn (UCL)
Ex-Officio Members
Professor Claire Langhamer (Director of the IHR)
Professor Clare Lees (Deputy Dean of SAS)
Professor Carl Stychin (Director of IALS)
Historians Representing HEI's Outside UoL
Professor Lynn Abrams (University of Glasgow)
Dr Ruth Atherton (University of South Wales)
Professor Tom Buchanan (Oxford University)
Dr Alix Green (University of Essex)
Dr Huw Halstead (University of Edinburgh)
Professor Leanne McCormick (Ulster University)
Dr Onyeka Nubia (University of Nottingham)
Professor Sadiah Qureshi (University of Manchester)
Professor Julie Marie Strange (Durham University)
UoL Representatives
Dr Lise Butler (City, University of London)
Professor Jane Hamlett (Royal Holloway)
Dr Hannah Ishmael (KCL)
Stakeholders associated with the discipline
Dr Sarah Holland (History UK)
Dr Ben Thomas (Historic Environment Scotland)
Jack Butterworth (The National Archives)
Professor Michelle Tusan (NACBS)
History Librarians Representative
Dr Fiona Courage (University of Sussex)
PGR Community Representative
Olivia Garro (History Lab)
Jannette Bright (IHR)
IHR Seminars Representative
Professor Tim Hitchcock (University of Sussex)
IHR Staff Representative
Dr Ruth Slatter (IHR)
IHR Research Centres' Representatives
Professor Catherine Clarke (CHPPC)
Professor Philip Murphy (History & Policy)
Chair of the IHR Trust
Professor Matthew Hilton (Queen Mary, University of London)
Dr Conor Wyer (IHR Manager)
Staff-Student Liaison Committee
Terms of Reference
The Staff Student Liaison Committee of the IHR exists to provide a forum for discussion for staff and students and to provide feedback and raise issues on the delivery of courses, student support and facilities.
2023-24 Membership
Dr Simon Trafford (IHR Director of Studies)
Staff Members
Dr Adam Chapman (Lecturer in Medieval History)
Professor Catherine Clarke (Professor of History & Director of CHPPC)
Dr Justin Colson (Senior Lecturer in Urban & Digital History)
Professor Claire Langhamer (IHR Director)
Prof Philip Murphy (Director of History & Policy)
Dr Ruth Slatter (Lecturer in Historic Environment & Knowledge Exchange Manager)
Neil Stewart (Head of IHR Library)
Dr Conor Wyer (IHR Manager)
Student Representatives
Janette Bright (PhD/MPhil Representative)
Jane Riddell (MA History, Place & Community Representative)
In Attendance
Anita Grant (Senior Registry and Student Services Officer)
Shaneeka Petrie-Belmar (Registry and Student Services Officer)
Bursaries & Prizes Committee
Terms of Reference
The Bursaries & Prizes Committee of the IHR exists to make awards to support historians in their work. For details of the Awards, Bursaries & Prizes available, see our funding page.
2023-24 Membership
Dr Simon Trafford (IHR Director of Studies) Chair
Dr Ruth Slatter (Lecturer in Historic Environment & Knowledge Exchange)
Events Committee
Terms of Reference
The Events Committee of the IHR exists to facilitate academic discussion and the exchange of ideas through an active programme of lectures, seminars, conferences, symposia, and summer schools.
Professor Claire Langhamer (Chair)
Professsor Catherine Clarke (CHPPC)
Professor Philip Murphy (History & Policy)
Neil Stewart (IHR Library & Digital)
Conor Wyer (IHR Manager)
Gemma Dormer (Academic Engagement Team Leader)
Kate Wilcox (Library Services Manager)
Fellowships Commitee
The Fellowships Committee is responsible for oversight of the IHR Fellowships Programme and IHR Fellowships (Non-Stipendiary) at the Institute.
Professor Margot Finn (UCL) Chair
Professor Claire Langhamer (Director of the IHR)