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Registration for this conference will close on Sunday 3 September 2023.

The British East-Asian Conference of Historians (BEACH) is a unique forum which allows specialists on British history based in Japan, South Korea and the UK to share knowledge and expertise. The series originated in the Anglo-Japanese Conference (AJC), established in 1994. Eight of these conferences were held before the AJC merged with a separate Japan-Korea series organised by the Korean Society of British History (KSBH), to hold the first BEACH conference at Daegue, South Korea, in 2018. The 2023 conference in London will consist of two and a half days of panel discussions followed by a special closing event hosted by the team of historians at the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). The theme of the conference is ‘Periodization in History’ and speakers will approach the subject from a wide variety of different perspectives. 

Those who have already registered to attend the panel discussions will also be able to register an interest in attending the closing session at the FCDO. Places for the latter event are, however, strictly limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.


  • 3-day standard rate: £150
  • 3-day concession rate: £120
  • 1-day standard rate: £60
  • 1-day concession rate: £40
Concession (student/unwaged).

The British East-Asian Conference of Historians (BEACH) 2023 Conference would like to thank the following organisations for making this event possible:

Conference Papers

BEACH provisional programme_v.9 PDF 379.04 KB
BEACH 2023 Panel 1. Nohara 'Historical Thinking in Adam Smith' PDF 468.83 KB
BEACH Panel 2. Jun Iwai's paper PDF 10.16 MB