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Historical practice is rooted in both the telling, and the sharing, of stories; yet we often think more about the former than the latter. In this one-day workshop aimed at Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers, we will explore the different ways we can communicate our research and consider the different audiences that we might want to reach. What does it mean to be a public historian today and what does ‘the public’ want from historical research? How do we engage audiences of contrasting ages, experiences and interests, and what does it really mean to do impactful work? Are there particular ethical considerations when working ‘in public’? 

The workshop is a collaboration between St Andrews School of History and the Institute of Historical Research, University of London. In-person places are limited, so please register asap. The workshop will be live streamed on the day. 


A number of bursaries are available to assist with travel costs for those not based in St Andrews. 

Bursary application will close on the 3rd April with decisions communicate in the w/c 8th April.

You can apply for a bursary online now.

All welcome

This event is free to attend, but booking is required. Bookings will close on the 16 April 2024.