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In light of the conversations sparked by Black Lives Matter and the 75th anniversary of Windrush, this conference invites a number of people working within academia, public history, activism and the cultural sector to discuss a recent trajectory within Black British history. 

Building upon the ideas of scholars such as Kennetta Hammond Perry, Jade Bentil and Michel-Rolph Trouillot, the conference will be a space for contributors to interrogate the notion of ‘truth’ within histories of Black people in Britain. 

  • As we study minoritised peoples for whom the institutional archive is often a site of dehumanisation and marginalisation, we invite participants to questio:
  • Whose truth is being represented in the materials that we use. 
  • Whose truth is heard and whose is forgotten? 
  • How can we change the perception that certain truths are more credible than others? 
  • How can we depict the many truths of Black British History, the vitality of Black life as well as the traumatic experiences that shape it?
  •  How can we reflect the diversity of opinion as well as the united front posed by Black activists? 

This exciting conference will bring many voices together, from a range of fields, to foster a sense of community between academia, community research groups and those who disseminate these histories to the public — we can collectively imagine the future of Black history and its position within mainstream narratives of Britain.

Keynote Speaker: Kennetta Hammond Perry

A provisional conference programme is available to view online.

General admission (2-days): £20
General admission (1-day): £10

All welcome- this is an in-person only conference and places are limited.