Huguenot Scholarship

This annual scholarship is awarded by the Trustees of the French Huguenot Church of London Charitable Trust, on the advice of the Institute of Historical Research.

Deadline: 31st March 2025

About the Huguenot Scholarship

The award will be made to a student working for a higher degree on a Huguenot subject, i.e. the study of any activity of the French, the Dutch, the Flemish or the Walloon Protestants from the 16th century to the present, in any geographical area. ‘Activity’ will be interpreted in the widest sense.

Area of research: 

Huguenot Studies

Eligibility requirements: 

Applicants may be of any nationality or academic affiliation, but they must be registered for a postgraduate degree in History, or a closely related subject. 

Amount awarded: 
