Fees 2024

  • Standard | £700
  • Student | £550

Bookings cannot be made for individual days of the summer school. Attendance is for the full five days. 

The fee does not include accommodation. Please note that some of the courses will involve travel to offsite locations. Travel costs are not included in the course fees and students are responsible for organising and covering their own travel costs to any offsite visits. Entry to any offsite locations is included.

Bursaries 2024

We are pleased to offer a number of bursaries for attendance at the IHR London Summer School. We are grateful for the support of the American Friends of the IHR (AFIHR), the Friends of the IHR and Professor David Bates all of whom have kindly provided funds for these bursaries.

IHR London Summer School bursary applications:

  • Applications will be judges on the basis of financial need, as well as benefit to the applicant. We will use your ‘Statement of Motivation’ and ‘Statement of Need’ to help us make the awards.
  • Decisions will be made by senior academic staff in the IHR.
  • You are usually expected to write a short blog after attending the IHR London Summer School about your experience.  
  • Bursaries offered range from full fees (plus, for USA-based applicants, a contribution to travel costs and accommodation) to a fee reduction.

If you have any questions about the Bursary scheme, please email ihr.events@sas.ac.uk

Applications should be submitted by 30th March 2024, and you will be notified of the outcome by the end of April 2024.


The University accepts Visa/Mastercard/Maestro/Solo (UK only)/Visa Debit. No other credit cards (e.g. American Express) can be accepted. If you have an issue with payment, please contact IHR Events Office Events (ihr.events@sas.ac.uk)