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IHR Library Policies

This page contains information about the library's Collection Development and Donations policies.

Collection Development Policy

We have developed our Collection Development Policy to provide a general overview of the collection and its strengths, and to indicate how we will grow it over time.

The Policy can be downloaded in PDF form by clicking the link below. If you have any questions or feedback about the policy please get in touch.

IHR Library's Collection Development Policy

Donations Policy

The library is grateful to the many institutions and individuals who have donated to the library since its foundation in 1921, helping to make the collection such a vital resource for historical research.

Space constraints, conservation issues and the staff time required for processing and cataloguing material mean that we need to be highly selective in what we can accept to add to our collections. Materials should also fall within the scope of the library’s Collection Development Policy (see section above).

Please do not send or bring any items to the library prior to contacting us. Please contact the library in the first instance with donation offers. We will acknowledge your offer and provide advice on any further action required, such as providing a list or lists of materials.

Potential donors should be aware that:

  • We reserve the right to accept or decline donations (including parts of donations) at our own discretion.
  • We can only accept material without future restrictions on its treatment, cataloguing and disposal.
  • We will not necessarily accept further or related items after accepting an initial donation.
  • We are unable to accept items the library already holds or items in poor condition.
  • Bookplates or other notes of donation may be inserted into the books or the catalogue record at the library’s discretion.
  • We reserve the right to dispose of items in future as the need may arise.
  • Any items donated will become the physical property of the IHR’s parent organisation, the University of London.
  • We are unable to advise on the potential value of any item or collection.


To offer a donation or for any other enquiries please get in touch.