Historiography Collections
Find out more about the historiography collections in the IHR Wohl Library. We collect monographs about various schools of historical thought as well as biographies of historians. Additionally we have in our collections radpidly growing holdings on memory, how history engages with society as well as digital methodologies are changing how historical research is produced and disseminated.
The library has an extensive and rapidly growing collection on general historiography in our general history collection. Within it you can find general works on historiography, historical methodologies and titles which look at specific kinds of sources.
We also have subject-specific historiography titles within each collections throughout the library. These sections can be found towards the beginning of a collection, marked with the shelf-mark 09 (e.g. EF.09 for French historiography and W.09 for the historiography of warfare)
Of course history is not exclusively an academic field but something everyone has a relationship with. Our collections reflect this with a growing number of titles acquired on memory and commemoration, nostalgia, heritage and history depicted in popular culture.
The main historiography collection is subdivided with the following in-house classification scheme:
- E.142 Historical Methodologies
- E.143 Historical Sources
- E.144 Historiography
- E.146 The Philosophy of History
- E.1465 History and Society
- E.1466 Memory and Commemoration
- E.14665 Nostalgia
- E.1467 History in literature, film, music and television
- E.15 Quantitative methods in history
- E.16 Digital Humanities and Digital Applications in History
We also subscribe to a number of periodicals relevant in this field.
Highlights from the Collections
General Works
We collect monographs that consider historiography, methodology and history's roles in society in its widest sense. As well as classics in the field, such as E. H. Carr's What is history, new titles are always being added to this section both in the general historiography holdings and in the library's other national and thematic collections. Below is a selection of titles from the general historiography collection.
- Analysing historical narratives: on academic, popular and educational framings of the past
- Authoring the past : writing and rethinking history
- Clio among the muses : essays on history and the humanities
- A companion to global historical thought
- Companion to historiography
- Debating new approaches to history
- Doing history
- Écrits sur l'histoire
- The future of history
- The historian's craft
- The historian's toolbox : a student's guide to the theory and craft of history
- Historiography : an introductory guide
- Historiography : ancient, medieval, and modern
- History in crisis? : recent directions in historiography
- History in practice
- New perspectives on historical writing
- The Oxford History of historical writing
- Practicing history : new directions in historical writing after the linguistic turn
- The pursuit of history : aims, methods and new directions in the study of modern history
- Studies in Islamic historiography : essays in honour of Professor Donald P. Little
- What is history?
- What is history now?
Here are some of the general historiographical titles to be found in the library's other collections.
- Générations historiennes : XIXe-XXIe siècle
- The growth of German historicism
- Hijacking history: how the Christian right teaches history and why it matters
- A história na América Latina : ensaio de crítica historiográfica
- Nation games : history and historiographical imperatives in India
- Orientations récentes des recherches historiques en France
- Reappraisals in overseas history : essays on post-war historiography about European expansion
- Re-enacting the past : essays on the evolution of modern English historiography
- Storia e storiografia fra passato e futuro : scritti in onore di Francesco Barbagallo
- Telling the truth about history
- What is Latin American history?
- Writing local history
- Writing the history of slavery
Medieval Historiography
Many of our titles on medieval historiography are held at shelf-mark E.1442. Here you can find general overviews of the subject as well as titles that consider specific aspects. Works on individual medieval historians are found in the respective national collection. Below is a selection of titles you can find in our collections.
- Arabische Historiographie der Gegenwart : arabische Historiker zur Krise im abbasidischen Nahen Osten von der Mitte des 9. Jahrhunderts bis zur Mitte des 10. Jahrhunderts
- Authority and identity in medieval Islamic historiography : Persian histories from the peripheries
- Chronicon : medieval narrative sources : a chronological guide with introductory essays
- The encyclopedia of the medieval chronicle
- Études d'historiographie médiévale
- The future of the middle ages and the Renaissance : Problems, trends, and opportunities for research
- Handbuch Chroniken des Mittelalters
- Historiography and identity III: Carolingian approaches
- Islamic historiography
- The Medieval Chronicle (volumes 1-12)
- Medievalisms in the postcolonial world : the idea of the "Middle Ages" outside Europe
- Mediävistik im 21. Jahrhundert : Stand und Perspektiven der internationalen und interdisziplinären Mittelalterforschung
- The Middle Ages in texts and texture : reflections on Medieval sources
- The Middle Ages in the modern world : twenty-first century perspectives
- Neue Wege der Frühmittelalterforschung: Bilanz und Perspektiven
- Perceptions of the past in the Early Middle Ages
- The resources of the past in early medieval Europe
- Universal chronicles in the high middle ages
- What is medieval history?
- Writing medieval biography, 750-1250 : essays in honour of Professor Frank Barlow
- Writing the barbarian past : studies in early medieval historical narrative
Here is a selection of titles about specific medieval historians and contemporary specialists in the field which you can find in our other collections.
- Anna Komnene : the life and work of a medieval historian
- Bede's Historiae : genre, rhetoric and the construction of Anglo-Saxon church history
- Constructing history across the Norman Conquest: Worcester, c. 1050-c. 1150
- Ernst Kantorowicz : a life
- Georges Duby : portrait de l'historien en ses archives : colloque de la Fondation des Treilles
- Historiography and episcopal authority in sixth-century Gaul : the Histories of Gregory of Tours interpreted in their historical context
- Ibn al-Jaṭīb y su tiempo
- Jean Froissart and the fabric of history : truth, myth, and fiction in the Chroniques
- The miraculous and the writing of crusade narrative
- Remembering the medieval present : generative uses of England's pre-conquest past, 10th to 15th centuries
- Saxo og hans samtid
- William of Tyre : historian of the Latin East
- A woman in history : Eileen Power, 1889-1940
- Writing history in Renaissance Italy : Leonardo Bruni and the uses of the past
Early modern Historiography
Below are some of the general titles you can find in the main historiography collection.
- What is early modern history?
- What was history? : the art of history in early modern Europe
- Writing early modern history
- Les historiographes en Europe de la fin du Moyen Âge à la Révolution
- Frontiers and the writing of history, 1500-1850
- Les femmes et l'écriture de l'histoire : 1400-1800
- Antiquarianism and intellectual life in Europe and China, 1500-1800
- Secret history and historical consciousness : from the Renaissance to romanticism
- The flight of Icarus : artisan autobiography in early modern Europe
- Models of political competence : the evolution of political norms in the works of Burgundian and Habsburg court historians, c. 1470-1700
- The Renaissance sense of the past
- Geschichtsbewusstsein und Geschichtsschreibung in der Renaissance
- Palgrave advances in Renaissance historiography
- A companion to Enlightenment historiography
- Urban history writing in North-Western Europe (15th-16th centuries)
Here is a selection of relevant titles in some of our other collections
- Annals of Native America : how the Nahuas of colonial Mexico kept their history alive
- Le débat européen sur la guerre de religion (1679-1714): mémoire confessionnelle et politique internationale à l'époque de Louis XIV
- Die Dignität des Ereignisses : Studien zu Heinrich Bullingers Reformationsgeschichtsschreibung
- English historical scholarship in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
- Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl and his legacy
- Forging the past : invented histories in counter-reformation Spain
- The historian's two bodies : the reception of historical texts in France, 1701-1790
- Historiography of Europeans in Africa and Asia, 1450-1800
- Un laboratorio di carte : il linguaggio della politica nel 'carteggio' di Francesco Guicciardini
- Nuns as historians in early modern Germany
- Restoration historians and the English Civil War
- Subverting Scotland's past : Scottish Whig historians and the creation of an Anglo-British identity, 1689-c. 1830
- The Reformation of England's past : John Foxe and the revision of history in the late sixteenth century
- Translation as conquest : Sahagún and Universal history of the things of New Spain
Modern Historiography
We have quite a large collection of titles that consider developments in historiography since c. 1800. While most of the titles listed here can be found in the general historiography collection, many titles about the Annales School can be found in our French Collection.
- Across cultural borders : historiography in global perspective
- Contemporary history : Practice and method
- A global history of modern historiography
- Global practice in world history : advances worldwide
- Historians and nationalism : East-Central Europe in the nineteenth century
- The historical imagination in nineteenth-century Britain and the Low Countries
- The houses of history : a critical reader in twentieth-century history and theory
- Maurice Agulhon, aux carrefours de l'histoire vagabonde
- Modern historiography : an introduction
- Penser l'histoire des médias
- Volksgeschichten im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit
- Writing the nation : a global perspective
- Yves Person, un historien de l'Afrique engagé dans son temps : actes du colloque international tenu à Paris les 20-21 juin 2013
Marxist Historiography and Historians
- The education of desire : Marxists and the writing of history
- Marxism and historical practice
- Marxism and history
- Marxism and history : a critical introduction
- Marxist history-writing for the twenty-first century
- La tradición marxista y la encrucijada postmoderna : notas para una historia social y cultural en el siglo XXI
- The British Marxist historians : an introductory analysis
- E.P. Thompson and English radicalism
- Eric Hobsbawm : a life in history
- Talking history (interviews with Romila Thapar)
The Annales School
- The Annales school : an intellectual history
- The birth of Annales history : the letters of Lucien Febvre and Marc Bloch to Henri Pirenne, 1921-1935
- L'école des Annales : une histoire intellectuelle
- The French historical revolution : the Annales school, 1929-2014
- Ein Historiker im 20. Jahrhundert : Marc Bloch
- Lucien Febvre, lecteur et critique
- Fernand Braudel, ambition et inquiétude d'un historien
- Histoire, écologie et anthropologie : trois générations face à l'oeuvre d'Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie
- Opponents of the Annales School
- Postmodernism and history
- Postmodernism for historians
- Deconstructing history
- Meaning, truth, and reference in historical representation
- On the future of history : the postmodernist challenge and its aftermath
- Possible worlds of fiction and history : the postmodern stage
- Re-thinking history
- The content of the form : narrative discourse and historical representation
Besides large holdings on various historiographical traditions the library has a significant collection of titles about the various types of sources employed by modern historians. These include written, visual and archaeological. Below you can find highlights from the main historiography collection, including titles about life-writing and biography and the methodology of oral history.
- History beyond the text : a student's guide to approaching alternative sources
- Using non-textual sources : a historian's guide
- Processing the past : changing authorities in history and the archives
- Understanding medieval primary sources : using historical sources to discover medieval Europe
- Medieval narrative sources : a gateway into the medieval mind
- Understanding early modern primary sources
- Reading primary sources : the interpretation of texts from 19th and 20th century history
- Medieval letters : between fiction and document
- Nel laboratorio della storia : una guida alle fonti dell'età moderna
Life-writing, biography, egodocuments
- Biography : a brief history
- Uses of first person writings : Africa, America, Asia, Europe
- The uses of autobiography
- The flight of Icarus : artisan autobiography in early modern Europe
- Controlling time and shaping the self : developments in autobiographical writing since the sixteenth century
- Egodocuments in history : Autobiographical writing in its social context since the middle ages
- Writing the self : diaries, memoirs, and the history of the self
Oral history
- The Oxford handbook of oral history
- Oral history theory
- The voice of the past : oral history
- Catching stories : a practical guide to oral history
- The Routledge guide to interviewing : oral history, social enquiry and investigation
- Recording oral history : a guide for the humanities and social sciences
- Transcribing oral history
- Practicing critical oral history : connecting school and community
- Practicing oral history with immigrant narrators
- Practicing Oral History in Historical Organizations
- Oral history and digital humanities : voice, access, and engagement
- Bodies of evidence : the practice of queer oral history
- Curating oral histories : from interview to archive
Visual and Material Sources
- Bilder als historische Quellen? : Dimension der Debatten um historische Bildforschung
- History and its images : art and the interpretation of the past
- The look of the past : visual and material evidence in historical practice
- Photographs and the practice of history: a short primer
- Raw histories : photographs, anthropology and museums
- Understanding architectural drawings and historical visual sources
The Philosophy of History
Works on the philosophy of history can be found at shelf-mark E.146. These include well-known works by Frank Ankersmit, R. G. Collingwood, Paul Ricoeur and Hayden White. Below is a selection of titles currently available.
- The philosophy of history : an introduction
- Philosophies of history : from enlightenment to post-modernity
- Zeit und Unzeit : geschichtsphilosophische Essays
- Meaning, truth, and reference in historical representation
- The idea of history
- Collingwood's The idea of history : a reader's guide
- The philosophy of history
- History and causality
- Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem
- La storia come pensiero e come azione
- Altered pasts : counterfactuals in history
- Continuity, quantum, continuum, and dialectic : the foundational logics of western historical thinking
- Time and the shape of history
- Memory, history, forgetting
- Philosophy of history after Hayden White
Teaching History
History in Society
The books in this section explore how history is used, represented, disseminated and consumed outside of academia. The titles here explore a wide variety of subjects such as memory and commemoration, nostalgia and the creation of false historical narratives, history in popular culture and the growth of heritage tourism.
- Anthropology and nostalgia
- Cultural dementia
- The devil's historians: how modern extremists abuse the medieval past
- The future of nostalgia
- Liberating histories
- Manufacturing Middle Ages : entangled history of medievalism in nineteenth-century Europe
- Medievalism, politics and mass media : appropriating the Middle Ages in the twenty-first century
- National myths : constructed pasts, contested presents
Memory and Commemoration
- A cultural history of memory
- Generations and collective memory
- History, memory, and state-sponsored violence : time and justice
- In praise of forgetting : historical memory and its ironies
- Landscapes of memory : trauma, space, history
- Memory and commemoration in medieval culture
- Memory in early modern Europe, 1500-1800
- Memorylands : heritage and identity in Europe today
- Never forget national humiliation: historical memory in Chinese politics and foreign relations
- Slavery in the age of memory : engaging the past
- War and public memory: case studies in twentieth-century Europe
- What remains : the post-Holocaust archive in German memory culture
History and Heritage
- Consuming history : historians and heritage in contemporary popular culture
- Engaging heritage, engaging communities
- Heritage after conflict : Northern Ireland
- Heritage and tourism : places, imageries and the digital age
- Understanding heritage and memory
- Understanding the politics of heritage
Historical Depictions in Film, TV and Video Games
- Digital games as history : how video games represent the past and offer access to historical practice
- The historian, television and television history
- L'historien et le film
- Media and nostalgia : yearning for the past, present and future
- Reframing the past : history, film and television
- Television, memory, and nostalgia
Our theses collection is kept in our closed stacks but any item is available to consult. Details about requesting our closed stack items can be found here. Many digitised copies of UK PhDs are also now available through the British Library's EThOS resource.
- Connor, Meriel. John Stone, monk of Christ Church, Canterbury and his chronicle, 1417-1472
- Goebel, Thomas. Argentina's Partisan Past : Nationalism, Peronism and Historiography, 1955-76
- Grewal, Jagtar Singh. British historical writing from Alexander Dow to Mountstuart Elphinstone on Muslim India
- Lee, Sally Orwin. Regino of Prum and the 'Chronicon' : history and history-writing in Lotheringa in the late-ninth and early-tenth centuries
- Tammita-Delgoda, Asoka. "Nabob, historian and orientalist" : the life and writings of Robert Orme (1728-1801)
- Underhill, Kathryn. Filippo De'Nerli, 1485-1556 : politician, administrator and historian
- Webb, Diana. Tuscan historiography c.1400-c.1450 and the problem of Florentine hegemony in Tuscany
The library subscribes to a number of academic periodicals whose remit encompasses historical methodology and the philosophy of history. A number of electronic journals are also available but, due to licensing restrictions from the publishers, these are only available to most of our readers if one is physically within the IHR library.
- History and theory : studies in the philosophy of history
- Journal of the philosophy of history
- Rethinking history : the journal of theory and practice
- Historiography east & west [ejournal]
- History and memory [ejournal]
- Public history weekly : the international blogjournal [ejournal, available off-site]
Further Help
Contact us if you would like help on finding or using our collections, or if you have any comments or suggestions about the content of this guide. We are happy to help.
You can also book a tour or training sessionContact us if you would like help on finding or using our collections, or if you have any comments or suggestions about the content of this guide. We are happy to hel
Contact us if you would like help on finding or using our collections, or if you have any comments or suggestions about the content of this guide. We are happy to help.
You can also join the library and book a help session.
Public History
General Works
Below are a number of general titles which give an overview of public history, definiing what it is and highlighting some of the innovative projects teams have undertaken to communicate an understanding of pasts to various audiences.
From the main historiography collection
- A companion to public history
- The Oxford handbook of public history
- The public history reader
- What is public history globally? : working with the past in the present
- Public history : a practical guide
- Public history : a textbook of practice
- Public History in International Perspective (series)
- People and their pasts : public history today
- Presenting history : past and present
From the library's other collections
- The battles of Germantown : effective public history in America
- Benjamin Shambaugh and the intellectual foundations of public history
- Beyond preservation : using public history to revitalize inner cities
- Canadians and their pasts
- Entre a memória e o mercado : identidade, (re)significação e cultura empresarial
- L'histoire médiatique : entretien
- Historians in public : the practice of American history, 1890-1970
- Ireland's 1916 Rising : explorations of history-making, commemoration & heritage in modern times
- Owning memory : how a Caribbean community lost its archives and found its history
- Rhodes must fall : the struggle to decolonise the racist heart of empire
- Unsettled history : making South African public pasts
The Historian and Public Policy
- Does history matter? : making and debating citizenship, immigration and refugee policy in Australia and New Zealand
- The engaged historian : perspectives on the intersections of politics, activism and the historical profession
- History, historians and development policy : a necessary dialogue
- History, historians and the immigration debate: going back to where we came from
- History, policy and public purpose : historians and historical thinking in government
- The ivory tower and beyond : participant historians of the Pacific
- Using history, making British policy : the Treasury and the Foreign Office, 1950-76
Display, Performance and Interaction
The titles below explore the ways in which the past interacts with the societies of the present. Listed below are works on heritage and museum studies, historical re-enactments, the impact historical symbols such as statues and memorials have within public spaces and innovative ways in which groups, such as Fill in the Blanks, have fostered an historical dialogue with
- The brutish museums : the Benin Bronzes, colonial violence and cultural restitution
- Caribbean heritage
- Curating difficult knowledge : violent pasts in public places
- Engaging heritage, engaging communities
- Exhibiting war : the Great War, museums, and memory in Britain, Canada and Australia
- From idols to antiquity : forging the National Museum of Mexico
- Heritage and tourism : places, imageries and the digital age
- Heritage education. Memories of the past in the present Caribbean social studies curriculum: A view from teacher practice
- Historisches Reenactment : disziplinäre Perspektiven auf ein dynamisches Forschungsfeld
- History and heritage : consuming the past in contemporary culture
- Interpreting Native American History and Culture at Museums and Historic Sites
- The Jewish museum : history and memory, identity and art from Vienna to the Bezalel national museum, Jerusalem
- A museum studies approach to heritage
- The new standard and the Metru (Fill in the Blanks publications)
- Organizing exhibitions : a handbook for libraries, archives and museums
- The Oxford handbook of public heritage theory and practice
- Participatory heritage
- The persistence of memory : remembering slavery in Liverpool, 'slaving capital of the world'
- Restaging the past : historical pageants, culture and society in modern Britain
- Talking stones : the politics of memorialization in post-conflict Northern Ireland
- Time travel : tourism and the rise of the living history museum in mid-twentieth-century Canada
- Visitors to the house of memory : identity and political education at the Jewish Museum Berlin
- Visualizing and exhibiting Jewish space and history
- The whole picture : the colonial story of the art in our museums & why we need to talk about it
Statues and Monuments
- Contested histories in public space : memory, race, and nation
- In the shadow of statues : a white southerner confronts history
- No common ground: Confederate monuments and the ongoing fight for racial justice
- El Valle de los Caídos : una memoria de España
- Civil War monuments and the militarization of America
- Confederate statues and memorialization
Digital Humanities
General Works
Today's historical research is increasingly being shaped by digital methods. Digitisation, data-mining, social media, these are only a few of the methods that have helped produce new research and brought researchers and various audiences together. While there are an increasing number of vital online resources in this field, including The Programming Historian, below are some titles which outline the broad-field of digital humanities which you can find in our collection. You can find them at shelf-mark E.16 (earlier titles are kept in our closed stacks while more recent titles are on the open shelves)
- What is digital history?
- Advancing digital humanities : research, methods, theories
- Understanding digital humanities
- Inhuman networks : social media and the archaeology of connection
- Digital_humanities
- A new companion to digital humanities
- Social media for academics
- Managing and sharing research data : a guide to good practice
- Debates in the digital humanities : 2019
- Collaborative research in the digital humanities
- The shape of data in digital humanities : modeling texts and text-based resources
- What is online research? : using the internet for social science research
- Research methods for the digital humanities
- Digitization : theories and concepts for empirical cultural research
- The big humanities : digital humanities/digital laboratories
- Communicating your research with social media: a practical guide to using blogs, podcasts, data visualisations and video
- The theory and craft of digital preservation
- Digital scholarly editing : theories, models and methods
- Between humanities and the digital
- Digital humanities in practice
Historical Research and Teaching in the Digital Age
- Le biblioteche digitali : tipologie, funzionalità e modelli di sviluppo
- Clio wired : the future of the past in the digital age
- Digital history : a guide to gathering, preserving, and presenting the past on the Web
- History in the age of abundance? : how the web is transforming historical research
- Historic newspapers in the digital age : "search all about it!"
- Exploring big historical data : the historian's macroscope
- Historyblogosphere : Bloggen in den Geschichtswissenschaften
- Feminist histories and digital media
- Teaching history in the digital age
- Friending the past : the sense of history in the digital age
- Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft
- Wikipedia und Geschichtswissenschaft
Works in other Wohl Library Collections
Below are some additional titles which can be found in the library's other collections.
Learning to Programme
The library does not collect instructional manuals on the various programming languages currently used. However there are now available a number of online teaching tools and publications where you can learn the fundamentals of languages such as Python, R, C# and Java. Some available at present include:
- The Carpentries - offers a number of workshops for researchers from a variety of disciplines including courses in Python and R.
- Code Academy - includes courses on Python, Java, Ruby, C++, R, C#, Go, Swift and Kotlin as well as web fundamental skills in HTML, CSS and Javascript. There is a free version which will offer limited access to some courses.
- Dive into Python 3 by Mark Pilgrim - free online edition.
- Grasshopper - this app is a fun way to get to grips with Javascript.
- Green Tea Press Publication - titles are freely available in Pdf format. Titles include:
- Think C++
- Think Java (2nd edition)
- Think Python (2nd edition)
- Introduction to Programming through R - instructional YouTube video.
- Introduction to R by Jonathan Blaney and Martin Steer
- SoloLearn - this app offers a number of courses in languages such as Python, Java, PHP as well as ones on machine learning, SGL and HTML/CSS.
- Statistical Methods for Studying Literature using R by Jeff Rydberg-Cox
- Text Analysis with R - instructional YouTube video.
- Text Mining with R by Julia Silge and David Robinson.
In addition to these general resources see also The Programming Historian. It offers dozens of online tutorials in subjects such as Python, data management and manipulation, mapping and digital publishing.