Jewish History Collections

Find out more about the Jewish History Collections in the IHR Wohl Library. We collect historical sources and guides to finding and using sources. This page shows examples from the collections.


The European Jewish History collection is comprised primarily of printed and electronic bibliographical works and primary sources, with the addition of a number of reference works, devoted to the history of Europe’s Jewish communities from the early medieval period to the present day.

General material in the European Jewish History collection is at the classmark EY, but material on this subject is also held across many of the other collections found in the library.

Most of the physical material we currently have is devoted to the Holocaust, comprising of personal accounts of both the victims of and those who oversaw the genocide, historical bibliographies and archive guides as well as secondary monographs that discuss the development of Holocaust historiography and the nature of how it is remembered.

Other present strengths include works on Jewish historiography, biographical reference resources, as well as electronic access to Yiddish source materials.

Highlights from the Collections

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The Holocaust

Holocaust Historiography and Memory

Memory and Commemoration

The Holocaust on Film and Television

Holocaust Denial

Personal Accounts

This sizeable section of the Holocaust collection includes published witness testimonies, narratives and diaries. A selection of present titles includes:






