Although interest in migration history has increased in recent years, the IHR library has always been keen to collect in this field of research. Below is a selection of works to be found in the library ranging from published letters and diaries, ships’ lists of passengers, migrants' accounts from the medieval period to the 21st century to references works, bibliographies and guides to relevant archives and sources.
As with many fields of historical research, relevant material can also be found within larger bodies of source material. Several case studies below illustrate this need to ‘excavate’ the sources for relevant material. For example, parliamentary sources and the newspapers available within the library are a rich seam of information for many subjects, including the history of the Chinese diaspora in 19th and early 20th century British Empire. Similarly, while the library does have a selection of titles specifically on immigrant communities in medieval England, it is also worthwhile searching through the various calendars of administrative records, as well as published tax records the library has acquired for its British and English local collections.
The library’s collections are arranged mainly geographically with some topical collections, so relevant works can be found throughout the library. Use our catalogue to start your search to see what we have.
Searching the Library
Collection Arrangement and Searches
You will find works on migration history across many of our collections. Our collections are arranged mostly geographically with some thematic collections. Searches can be done on the catalogue, both for items within the IHR library itself and for other libraries in the School of Advanced Study and Senate House Library.
You can find out more about collection locations and requesting items from the closed stacks here.
Further Help
Contact us if you would like help on finding or using our collections, or if you have any comments or suggestions about the content of this guide. We are happy to help.
You can also join the library and book a help session.
Highlights from the Collections: Primary Sources
General Anthologies of Sources
Below are some of the collected anthologies of source material one can find in the library or online.
- Black Central Europe (online resource; freely accessible)
- Debating the Highland clearances
- Emigration from Europe, 1815-1914: select documents
- Homecoming: voices of the Windrush generation
- The impact of immigration: a documentary history of the effects and experiences of immigrants in Britain since 1945
- Irish migrants in Britain, 1815-1914: a documentary history
- Keeping faith: Europeans and Asian Catholic immigrants
- The Land Newly Found: eyewitness accounts of the Canadian immigrant experience
- Migrant women's voices: talking about life and work in the UK since 1945
- Scotland and the Americas, c.1650-c.1939: a documentary source book
- Since 1947 : partition narratives among Punjabi migrants of Delhi
Letters, Diaries, Interviews and Memoirs
The library has a growing number of published collected correspondence, diaries and other works which illuminate the lives of migrants in England, Europe and further afield. Chronologically these range from the medieval period to the twenty-first century. Below is a selection of titles which can be found in our collections.
- Altijd aan het reizen: brieven van een mormoonse emigrant naar Noord-Amerika, 1877-1913
- Auswandererbriefe aus Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska und Pennsylvania
- Bread to eat and clothes to wear: letters from Jewish migrants in the early twentieth century
- Chasing the harvest : migrant workers in California agriculture
- Correspondence of Abel Boyer, Huguenot Refugee (1667-1729)
- English immigrant voices: labourer's letters from Upper Canada in the 1830s
- Fremdes Land? Zweite Heimat?: Berichte und Briefe aus den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika nach Deutschland in den Jahren 1953 bis 1957
- From the edge of the world: the Jewish refugee experience through letters and stories
- From the mountains to the bush: Italian migrants write home from Australia, 1860-1962
- I don't cry, but I remember: a Mexican immigrant's story of endurance
- Letters from Irish Australia, 1825-1929
- Memoirs of a Muhindi: fleeing East Africa for the West
- Nothing to write home about: British family correspondence and the settler colonial everyday in British Columbia
- One family, two worlds: an Italian family's correspondence across the Atlantic, 1901-1922
- Outward bound: my diary ; begun on leaving for Australia, June 18th, 1912
- The promised land
- The Reynolds letters: an Irish emigrant family in late Victorian Manchester
- Sailing to Australia: shipboard diaries by nineteenth-century British emigrants
- Tampa: impressions of an emigrant
- Up in the Rocky Mountains: writing the Swedish immigrant experience
- Voices from Mariel: oral histories of the 1980s Cuban boatlift
- Voices of the Windrush generation: the real story told by the people themselves
- Voyage of the 'Atalanta': Plymouth to South Australia Colony 1866 : the diary of Edward Allchurch
21st Century Migration
- Cast away: true stories of survival from Europe's refugee crisis
- City of thorns: nine lives in the world's largest refugee camp
- Crossing the sea: with Syrians on the exodus to Europe
- In limbo : Brexit testimonies from EU citizens in the UK
- In limbo too: Brexit testimonies from EU citizens in the UK
- The lightless sky: a twelve-year-old refugee's harrowing escape from Afghanistan and his extraordinary journey across half the world
- Nujeen: one girl's incredible journey from war-torn Syria in a wheelchair
- Serving God in a migrant crisis : ministry to people on the move
- Upheaval: the refugee trek through Europe
- Voices from the 'Jungle': stories from the Calais refugee camp
Lists, Registers and Indexes
In the absence of other source materials sometimes the name of an individual is all that exists in written records. The library has actively collected these lists and registers. Below is a selection currently available in the library.
- The Bristol registers of servants sent to foreign plantations, 1654-1686
- The complete book of emigrants, 1661-1699: a comprehensive listing compiled from English public records of those who took ship to the Americas for political, religious, and economic reasons; of those who were deported for vagrancy, roguery, or non-conformity; and of those who were sold to labour in the new colonies
- A directory of Scots in Australasia, 1788-1900
- A list of emigrants from England to America, 1718-1759
- The original lists of persons of quality; emigrants; religious exiles; political rebels: serving men sold for a term of years; apprentices; children stolen; maidens pressed; and others who went from Great Britain to the American plantations 1600-1700
- Passenger arrivals, 1819-1820: a transcript of the list of passengers who arrived in the United States from the 1st October, 1819, to the 30th September, 1820
- Passengers who arrived in the United States September 1821-December 1823
- Povoadores da Colônia Guarani, 1891-1922
- Register of the foreign Protestants of Nova Scotia (ca. 1749-1770)
Parliamentary Sources

The library has substantial collections of government sources for Britain. We also have some government papers for the United States, France and Germany mainly covering the nineteenth and early twentieth century.
We have editions of parliamentary journals and debates for the UK as well as several editions of US Congressional Debates (1789-1824, 1825-1839, 1833-1873, 1873-1907) and partial runs of the Journals of the Senate (1793-1925) and House of Representatives (1830-1924).
The collection also includes Statutes, Acts and Parliamentary Papers. For further information see the UK Parliamentary History collection guide. The UK Parliamentary Papers database gives access to a range of parliamentary records and legislation such as the Aliens Act of 1905 and the Asylum and Immigration Acts of 1996 and 1999.
Il est d’ailleurs essentiel que les idées d’emigration et de colonisation se propagent au sein des masses qui y trouveront des moyens certains d’améliorer les conditions trop souvent précaires de leur situation materiel. C’est par l’émigration et la colonisation que l’Angleterre at les Etats-Unis voient chaque jour s’augmenter leur puissance et s’accroltre leur prospéerité; c’est également par l’émigration et la colonisation que nous accélérerons le développement de l’Algérie, et que nous trouverons le solution de la plupart des problèmes sociaux qui touchent à l’extinction de la misère et à l’organisation de l’assistance publique.
The quote above is from an edition of Le Moniteur Universel from the 26th June 1852. There, it is argued how emigration and colonisation, as exercised by Britain and the United States, might be of benefit to France, especially in relation to its growing intervention and invasion of Algeria. This is just one example how newspapers are a useful source for the history of migration and can often, depending on outlook of their authors and editors, can also reflect the opinions and biases of social and national elites.
While some, like Le Moniteur above, can be found in a print format most of the newspaper and magazine collections found in the library are online and can be accessed by most users within the library.
- Delpher (freely accessible online collection of Dutch and Indonesian newspapers)
- Melbourne Punch (Print)
- Past Papers: Newspapers (freely accessible online collection of New Zealand newspapers)
- The Times (online; accessible within the library)
Details about the other newspaper resources, including British Newspapers 1600-1900 and the Burney Collection of 17th and 18th century newspapers can be found on the library's online resources page.
Highlights from the Collections: Secondary Sources
Bibliographies, Archive Catalogues and Guides to Sources
Listed below are several bibliographies, archive catalogues and guides to sources on specific aspects of migration history. When searching for relevant material it is worth checking general bibliographies and catalogues, such as the Bibliography of British and Irish History.
- American ethnic groups, the European heritage: a bibliography of doctoral dissertations completed at American universities
- The Armenian genocide : a bibliography
- Bibliography of immigration in the United States, 1900-1930
- A bibliography of ship passenger lists, 1538-1825: being a guide to published lists of early immigrants to North America
- Émigration suisse en Amérique latine, 1815-1939: essai bibliographique
- European immigration and ethnicity in Latin America: a bibliography
- L'immigration en France, 1919-1939: sources imprimées en langue française et filmographie
- Immigrants, minorities, and race relations: a bibliography of theses and dissertations presented at British and Irish universities, 1900-1981
- Migration und Integration in Europa seit der Frühen Neuzeit: eine Bibliographie zur historischen Migrationsforschung
- The Scots overseas: a selected bibliography
- Select list of references on Chinese immigration
Source and Archive Guides
- Des sources pour l'histoire de l'immigration en France de 1830 à nos jours
- Gids voor sociale geschiedenis: bronnen voor de studie van immigratie en emigratie : hedendaagse tijden
- Imigração italiana no Rio Grande do Sul: fontes históricas
- L'immigration nord-africaine dans le Rhone. 1950-1970
- Indians overseas: a guide to source materials in the India Office Records for the study of Indian emigration, 1830-1950
Historiography, Methodology and Memory
The library has large historiography collections, which also include subjects such as commemoration and history in popular culture. Below are several titles specifically on migration historiography as well as some articles and essays which can be found in larger works or periodicals.
- Histories and memories : migrants and their history in Britain
- History, historians and the immigration debate : going back to where we came from
- What is migration history?
- The writing of English Canadian immigration history
Chapters and articles within larger works
- 'Birmingham stories: local histories of migration and settlement and the practice of history' in Midland history (2011)
- 'Conceiving the Irish diaspora: Irish migration and migrant communities in the modern world' in Palgrave advances in Irish history
- 'Empires, diasporas and cultural circulation' in Writing imperial histories
- 'The historiography of English-speaking Canada and the concept of diaspora: a sceptical appreciation' in Canadian historical review (1995)
- 'Who are we now: writing the post-war nation 1948-2001' in Race, nation and empire: making histories, 1750 to the present
Reference Works
The library has a sizeable collection of encyclopaedias, biographical dictionaries and atlases. Below are a selection of titles about various aspects of migration history that can be found in the library and online.
Encyclopaedias and Dictionaries
- Biographisches Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Emigration nach 1933
- A Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants : details of over 5000 Scottish people who left Scotland to settle in England & Wales in the 19th century
- The encyclopedia of European migration and minorities : from the seventeenth century to the present
- England's Immigrants 1330-1550 (freely accessible online database)
- Making Britain (online database of South Asian men and women resident in Britain covering the period 1870 to 1950)
- Topographical dictionary of 2885 English emigrants to New England, 1620-1650
- Atlas of Asian-American history
- Atlas da imigração internacional de Sao Paulo 1850-1950
- Atlas de l'immigration en France : exclusion, intégration
- An atlas of international migration
- Atlas des migrations en Méditerranée : de l'Antiquité à nos jours
- Black Londoners 1800-1900 (online interactive map, freely accessible)
- The Memory Map of the Jewish East End (online interactive map, freely accessible)
Other Secondary Texts
Although the focus of the library's collecting is published primary sources, there are some secondary monographs in the collections, where they have been gifted or serve as guides to the source material. Below are a selection of titles specifically about migration history
- Immigrant England, 1300-1550
- Letters across borders : the epistolary practices of international migrants
- Migrants in medieval England, c.500-c.1500
- Migration and multi-ethnic communities : mobile people from the late Middle Ages to the present
- Migration, memory, and diversity : Germany from 1945 to the present
- Moroccan migration in Belgium : more than 50 years of settlement
- La parole immigrée : les migrants africains dans l'espace public en France (1960-1995)
- Singapore, Chinese migration and the making of the British Empire, 1819-67
- Voices from indenture : experiences of Indian migrants in the British Empire
The library also subscribes to over 300 historical periodicals ranging from general titles such as American Historical Review and Annales to specialist titles such as the London Journal and The Sixteenth Century. Listed below are a selection of articles within the periodicals. The catalogue indicates where a periodical is available online (usually accessible onsite only)
- 'Collecte de fonds et violence dans le milieu des travailleurs immigrés algeriéns: Alpes-Maritime (1956-1962)' in Crime, Histoire et Sociétés (2019)
- 'Déjà vu and the gendered origins of the practice of immigration law: the Immigrants Protective League 1907-40' in Law and History Review (2018)
- 'England's immigrants 1330-1550: a new prosopographical database' in Medieval Prosopography (2017)
- '"A grave offense of significant consequences": Mexican perspectives on U.S. immigration restriction during the late 1920s' in Pacific Historical Review (2018)
- 'Konflikte um Immigration als „antietatistische” Proteste? Eine Revision der Auseinandersetzungen bei der Hugenotteneinwanderung' in Historische Zeitschrift (2009)
Many journals are also increasingly available in an open-access format. The Directory of Open Access Journals is a useful tool to search these freely accessible online periodicals.
The library holds University of London history theses from the early 20th century to the early 21st. Many titles are also increasingly available online via EThos(Opens in new window). Below is a small selection of titles available in our collection.
- British immigration control procedures and Jewish refugees, 1933-1942
- Emigration to British North America under the early Passenger Acts, 1803-1842
- From Bengal to British Guiana : the emigration of Indian indentured labour, 1854-1884
- Mid-nineteenth century migration from Norfolk to London : migratory patterns, migrants' social mobility and the impact of the railway?
- The migration and conditions of immigrant labour in Ceylon,1880-1910
- Migration from East Anglia to New England before 1660
- New Orleans as a port of immigration 1820-1860
- The origins of migrant labour from Mozambique to South Africa : with special reference to the Delagoa Bay hinterland ca.1860-1897
Case Studies
Migrant Communities in Medieval English Towns and Cities
The general British collections, the English local and London collections all have source material about immigration in medieval England, with a particular strength on urban populations.
A number of sources have been published which specifically focus on England's medieval immigrant past. Within the library's London collection is printed edition of the London section of the subsidy rolls of 1440 and 1483-4. These tax records offer a picture of the migrant population of fifteenth century London, listing the names, nationality, occupation and amount owed to the government. Another published source to be found in the library which specifically discusses England's migrant communities is The views of the hosts of alien merchants 1440-1444. Like the subsidy roll of 1440, this was produced in a climate of general economic uncertainty, whereby immigrant residents were being targeted as potential sources of revenue; in this instance, the 'Views' list not only resident foreign merchants, but also their transactions.
More often, however, information about England's medieval migrant population can be gleaned from more general sources. Included within the subsidy rolls for Shrewsbury are listed a number of migrant residents such as Madoc Waleus (Welsh, perhaps not that surprising), Thomas Lumbard (possibly Italy) and Hugh Leuwe (the Low Countries). And within the Records of the Borough of Leicester are several passing references including, 'Michael Brabançon [of Brabant, or possibly the Low Countries in general] for a suit taken from aliens sworn to the King to conduct themselves with fealty to him and his heirs' (vol. 2, p. 163) or how witnesses testified under oath about how, 'a certain Irish woman unjustly drew blood from a strange woman with a knife.' (vol. 2, p. 184).
To Walter fitz Wauter admiral of the fleet to the northward. Order to take of all alien owners or masters whose ships or vessels he arrested within his admiralty, being of 120 tuns burden and less, an oath that they shall have such ships in the port of Sandewich on 1 April next at latest at the king's service as they shall be directed...
(Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II, 1381-1385, p. 188)
The library also has a substantial collection of calendars of medieval administrative records such as the close, fine and patent rolls, which - among many other subjects - highlight decisions made by the crown (or bodies acting on Crown's authority) that would impact upon migrant communities, especially foreign merchants, as can be seen above. While each volume is indexed many of these calendars can also be searched on British History Online.
Migration of Chinese communities from Hong Kong and Singapore
On the 8th March 2022 the IHR library took part in a one day training session on Researching Imperial and Commonwealth History. As part of a brief introduction to the library's Colonial collections, we included a case study on the resources on the history of the Chinese diaspora within the British Empire.
This was a challenging yet rewarding search exercise since the library currently has only a handful of titles on the histories of Hong Kong and Singapore and the Chinese diaspora as a whole. However source material which the library is rich in did yield a surprising amount of relevant information. Within Hansard (1812-1908, Commons 1909-1988, Lords 1909-1995) and the Lords (1509-1920) and Commons (1547-1931) Journal there are references to a range of subjects including migration from and to Hong Kong and Singapore.
A number of online newspaper resources can also be accessed such as the Time Digital Archive, 19th century British Newspapers and 19th century London Periodicals (which includes Punch). Although not an impartial source, they chronicle both the presence of Chinese diaspora communities in Britain and also reflect the hardening attitudes towards them during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.
One can also find within the library's London collection a number of works on social commentary and criticism. Works by, for example, Henry Mayhew and Walter Besant touch upon their impressions of Chinese communities within East London while in Out and about: a note-book of London in war-time Thomas Burke specifically notes his impressions and the changes he observed in the Chinese diaspora communities around Limehouse. As with newspapers, they are valuable sources not only for what they observed but the assumptions - and prejudices - contained within their pages.
Jewish Immigration and Diasporas in North and South America
Below is a selection of works found in the library specifically about Jewish immigration to North and South America. Additional relevant material can also be found in titles and resources with a more general focus.
The voyage of the St Louis in May 1939 can be used as a case study to illustrate the need to dig into the sources. While there is an anthology of relevant source material listed below, additional material can be found in various biographical works and editions of published letters. Although not mentioning the St. Louis specifically in his memoirs Cordell Hull, who was Secretary of State from 1933 to 1944, acknowledged that the situation for Jewish communities in Germany and later much of Europe was horrific, yet Jewish refugees should ideally be directed to Palestine, which then was under a British mandate. Debates on this subject were also held in the UK Parliament at this time with the argument that if a large number of ships were sent to Palestine it would destabilise the political and social situation there (Hansard, Commons, vo. 348, pp. 176-7). Also in a letter from the 8th June to the diplomat Myron Taylor, Franklin Roosevelt reiterated the need for international cooperation, especially from agencies established by the League of Nations to handle the growing Jewish refugee crisis. Unfortunately, however, while the St. Louis attempted to dock in the US, permission was denied.
The St. Louis then tried to dock in Canada and that too failed. In a biography of the Canadian Prime Minister, William Lyon MacKenzie King, it states his attitude was initially ambivalent earlier in the 1930s;
...nothing is to be gained by creating an internal problem in an effort to meet an international one.
However during 1938 his views did shift as persecution in Europe intensified;
the time has come when, as a Government, we would have to perform acts that were expressive of what we believed to be the conscience of the nation, and not what might be, at the moment, politically most expedient.
Unfortunately MacKenzie King put the onus of refugee admittance on the provincial governments, some of whom did not share his view point and as a result, the St Louis was sent back across the Atlantic.
Neville Chamberlain did negotiate that Britain would admit 287 of the St. Louis's passengers as shown in an article in The Times from the 22nd June 1939. The others would disembark once again in continental Europe; France would admit 224, Belgium 214 and the Netherlands 181. It is believed 254 of the St Louis's Jewish passengers would ultimately be murdered during the Holocaust.
General Works
- Blatant injustice : the story of a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany imprisoned in Britain and Canada during World War II
- A guide to sources for the study of Canadian Jewry
United States
- Golden door to America : the Jewish immigrant experience
- Jewish voices of the California gold rush : a documentary history, 1849-1880
- The Lee Max Friedman collection of American Jewish colonial correspondence : letters of the Franks family, 1733-1748
- The letters of Abigaill Levy Franks, 1733-1748
- My future is in America : autobiographies of Eastern European Jewish immigrants
- The promised land
- Jews in the Caribbean : evidence on the history of the Jews in the Caribbean zone in colonial times
- The Jews of Jamaica : tombstone inscriptions, 1663-1880
Latin America
Other Collections
While the IHR Library will prove useful for anyone engaged in migration history research there are other libraries and archives in Britain and Ireland which are either specifically devoted to or have significant collections about this subject, some of which are listed below.
- The Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre - the Centre includes hundreds of books on the history of race, migration and ethnicity. Also the centre's archive contains a wide range of documents, leaflets, posters, photographs and ephemera donated by global majority communities across Greater Manchester.
- The Armenian Institute Library - includes over 9000 items on the history of Armenia and the Armenian diaspora.
- The Black Cultural Archives - the only national heritage centre dedicated to collecting, preserving and celebrating the histories of African and Caribbean people in Britain.
- The British Library - includes collection guides on the experience of people of African, Asian and Caribbean heritage in Britain.
- The George Padmore Institute - includes an archive, library, educational resource and research centre that houses materials relating to the black community of Caribbean, African and Asian descent in Britain and continental Europe.
- The Huguenot Society Library - has the most extensive collection on Huguenot history in the UK.
- The Leo Baeck College Library - one of the finest Jewish studies libraries in Europe, it includes collections on a vast array of subjects including the history and culture of Anglo-Jewish communities.
- The Mellon Centre for Migration Studies - research centre and library dedicated to the history of Irish immigration and diaspora.
- The National Archives - they have produced a guide to immigration records which can be found there.
- Westminster Chinese Library - situated within Charing Cross Library, it holds one of the largest collections of Chinese materials in UK public libraries, including works on the Chinese diaspora in the UK and especially London.
- The Wiener Holocaust Library - one of the most important libraries on the Holocaust outside Israel; includes works on Jewish migration during the early twentieth century.