Military History Collections

Find out more about the Military History Collections in the IHR Wohl Library. We collect historical sources and guides to finding and using sources. This page shows examples from the collections.


The majority of the IHR’s military collection relates to the armed forces of Europe, ranging from the medieval period to post-Second World War. The collection contains general reference material (bibliographies, catalogues and archive guides), collected works and biographies, a considerable amount of source materials (diaries, correspondence, army lists, military tactics, maps), and periodicals.

Highlights from the Collections

Primary Source Material

The IHR collects predominantly primary materials, and within the military collection there are a wealth of sources that will elaborate upon both personal experiences of those in wars, as well as providing information directly related to specific battles. These sources can shed light on individual and national experience during military campaigns. Some examples include:

Reference Works

These are designed to complement the main collection of primary sources. These reference works would be useful as introductions to the subject, and could be helpful when used alongside primary materials. Below are just some examples of the secondary reference material that the military collection contains.

Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias



These form a substantial part of the collection and can be useful for suggesting further sources for consultation, as well as providing articles on the subject. While military history may be dealt with in a number of the journals subscribed to by the IHR, the following will be the most relevant to those studying the field. The current issue of each journal is available on open access. BBIH and JSTOR are examples of the online databases that can be used to locate journal articles.


The library has an extensive collection of University of London PhD and MPhil history theses from the early twentieth century to the twenty-first century. Some titles relevant to military history include:

Other Collections

Within the IHR Wohl Library

Browse collection guides to find material relevant to your particular area of interest. Other collections that may be relevant include:

Other libraries, archives, organisations

Further Help

Contact us if you would like help on finding or using our collections, or if you have any comments or suggestions about the content of this guide. We are happy to help.

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