The Spanish collection is one of the best collections of sources and reference works for Spanish history in Britain. The collection covers the history of Spain from the Visigothic period to modern times. There is an extensive amount of material relating to the medieval Kingdoms, especially Castille and Aragon, Habsburg Spain and the twentieth century. There is particular emphasis on material covering the Spanish Civil War, with a range of resources from historical texts to personal narratives.
One of the highlights of the collection is the large concentration of regional and local material. This includes many archives of particular regions, from various different sources, including government and church records. The diverse history of Spain is reflected in the regional materials, with works in Castilian, Catalan, Galician, Basque and Arabic. The material includes substantial sub-collections on Catalonia, Andalucía and Castile as well as works covering all other Spanish regions.
The collection reflects the diverse history of Spain, covering the history of the kingdoms of Medieval, Early Modern and Modern Spain. Religious history is represented as well, including information on Catholics and Jews in Spain, and Arabic language materials covering Islamic Spain.
Highlights from the Collections
Guides to Sources
Selected available titles include:
General Works
Spain to 1516
Selected available titles include:
Spain from 1516
Habsburg Spain
Selected available titles include:
Bourbon Spain
Spain 1808-1898
Selected available titles include:
Twentieth Century Spain
The library collects published primary sources on all aspects of 20th century Spain. Currently strengths include published memoirs, diaries and letters from the Spanish civil war as well as the political history of modern Spain. Below is a selection of titles currently in the collection.
- Documentos de historia contemporánea de España
- Elites and power in twentieth-century Spain: essays in honor of Sir Raymond Carr
- Los papeles perdidos del cardenal Segura, 1880-1957
- Spanish Fascist writing
20th century Spain to 1936
- Actas del Consejo de Ministros. Alfonso XIII. Presidencia del General Primo de Rivera, Directorio Civil (1925-1930)
- Alfredo Calderón y el nacimiento de la España vital: artículos, 1890-1907
- Constitución de la República española 1931
- Diarios completos: monarquía, república, Guerra Civil (Manuel Azaña)
- Església i estat durant la Segona República Espanyola, 1931-1936: textos en la llengua original
- Obra periodística de Leopoldo Alas Argüelles (1883-1937)
- La Segunda República española: una crónica, 1931-1936
- La victoria republicana: 1930-1931, el derrumbe de la monarquía y el triunfo de una revolución pacífica
The Spanish Civil War
- Actas del último consejo nacional de Falange Española de las J.O.N.S. (Salamanca, 18-19-IV-1937) y algunas noticias referentes a la Jefatura Nacional de Prensa y Propaganda
- Un año con Queipo de Llano: memorias de un nacionalista : seguido de Noches de Sevilla de Jean Alloucherie y de El infierno azul de Edmundo Barbero
- Archivo Gomá: documentos de la Guerra Civil
- Causas de la guerra de España
- A city in war: American views on Barcelona and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-39
- Crónicas de la Guerra Civil: agosto de 1936 - septiembre de 1939
- La defensa de Madrid
- Diario de un miliciano republicano (1936-1939)
- Diario de un pistolero anarquista
- Epistolario Prieto-Negrín: puntos de vista sobre el desarrollo y consecuencias de la Guerra Civil Española
- ¡Es la guerra, camarada!: memorias de una brigadista sefardí
- Foreign Fighters and Witnesses
- Cockburn in Spain: despatches from the Spanish Civil War
- Diario de un médico argentino en la guerra de España (1936-1939)
- Diario della guerra di Spagna
- La Guerra Civil española a través de las crónicas de los corresponsales soviéticos
- Homage to Catalonia
- Letters from Barcelona: an American woman in revolution and civil war
- Mac-Pap: memoir of a Canadian in the Spanish Civil War
- Spanisches Kriegstagebuch Alfred Kantorowicz
- Personal memories of the days of the Spanish Civil War, in Catalan and English
- La II República y la Guerra Civil en el Archivo Secreto Vaticano
- Spanish fighters: an oral history of civil war and exile
- La velada en Benicarló: diálogo de la guerra de España
- Women's voices from the Spanish Civil War
Spain during the Franco Dictatorship
- Las cartas de Franco: la correspondencia desconocida que marcó el destino de España
- La dictadura franquista en Agüimes a través de sus documentos
- Documentos inéditos para la historia del Generalismo Franco
- El final del franquismo: testimonio personal
- Las hermandades sindicales de labradores y ganaderos (1944-1977): historia, documentos y fuentes
- Memòria de la resistència antifranquista
- Memorias do franquismo: a época do Wolfram en Lousame, a corporación de Noia en Meirás
- Los papeles secretos de Franco: de las relaciones con Juan Carlos y don Juan al protagonismo del Opus
- Testimonios de mujeres en las cárceles franquistas
Spain since 1975
Spanish Regional History
Selected available titles include:
- Los diputados por Andalucía de la Segunda República 1931-1939 : diccionario biográfico
- El primer mapa del reino de Valencia, 1568-1584
- Documentación relativa a la antigua provincia carmelita de Castilla (1416-1836)
- Mercaderies i diners : la correspondencia datiniana entre Valencia i Mallorca, (1395- 1398)
- Ordenanzas de la muy noble, famosa y muy leal ciudad de Jaén, guarda y defendimiento de los reinos de Castilla
- Relaciones sobre el estado de las diócesis valencianas
Selected titles we subscribe to include:
Other Collections
Within the IHR Wohl Library
Browse collection guides to find material relevant to your particular area of interest. Other collections that may be relevant include:
Other libraries, archives, organisations
- The British Library
- The Warburg Institute
- The Courtauld Institute
- The Marx Memorial Library - for material on the Spanish Civil War
Further Help
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