Find out more about theses holdings at the Wohl Library.
Theses collections
The Wohl Library holds copies of many University of London PhD (and some MA) theses in history, from the early twentieth century to 2009. Since 2009 University of London theses are now only held by the relevant college library. They are included in the IHR catalogue, and can be requested from the IHR's onsite store.
Recent copies of IHR students' theses can be accessed on the School of Advanced Study repository.
Most UK PhD theses are now only available through the British Library’s EThOS (Electronic Theses Online) service. These can usually be digitised on demand if they are not already available, and some universities subsidise the costs. A list of participating institutions is available at Oxford and Cambridge aren't participating, so enquiries for their theses should be made directly to the institutions. MPhil/MA theses are not covered by EThOS, so enquiries should be made directly to the relevant university.
The IHR published a listing of UK history theses until 2014. These lists of theses completed at UK universities between 1901 and 1970 and 1970 and 2014 are available as part of British History Online. A listing of 1260 MA and PhD theses relating to the history of London (completed 1960s-2010s) is also available from the IHR’s Bibliography of British and Irish History (subscription service). We do not hold copies of these theses, except where they fall into the collection described above. Enquiries for accessing copies can be made via EThOS or the relevant institution.