Welsh History Collections

Find out more about the Welsh history collections in the IHR Wohl Library. We collect historical primary sources, complemented by a range of periodicals and guides to sources. The collections cover the early middle ages to the present day.


The Welsh and Welsh Local History Collections are research-level collections of historical primary sources, complemented with a range of periodicals, reference works, bibliographies, and archive guides. The collections cover Welsh history from the early middle ages to the present day. General Welsh history bears the classmark BW, while local Welsh history has the classmark BWL. All of the collection is on open access; the general and local collections can be found on the first floor in the Wohl reading room while oversized material is located in the Foyle reading room also on the first floor.

Highlights from the Collections

Local Welsh History

The Welsh local history collection makes up approximately one third of the entire Welsh collection and consists of a range of individually published primary source titles, record and historical society publications and local Welsh history journals. A selection of available titles include:

Welsh local history journals


Online Resources

Please note that access to the majority of these resources is available onsite at the IHR, or offsite for staff and students of the IHR only. 


The library has an extensive collection of University of London PhD and MPhil history theses from the early twentieth century to the twenty-first. Some titles relevant to Welsh history include:

Other Collections

Within the IHR Wohl Library

Browse collection guides to find material relevant to your particular area of interest. Other collections that may be relevant include:

Other libraries, archives, organisations

Further Help

Contact us if you would like help on finding or using our collections, or if you have any comments or suggestions about the content of this guide. We are happy to help.

You can also book a tour or training session