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  • Juliette Desportes (Independent scholar)
  • Jim MacPherson (Centre for History, UHI)
  • John Joe MacNeil (Ceòlas Uibhist)
  • Iain Robertson (Centre for History, UHI)
  • Elizabeth Ritchie (Centre for History, UHI)
  • Ruth Slatter (Institute of Historical Research) 

Since 2023, the UHI’s Centre for History and CHPPC have been collaboratively exploring the ‘placed’ nature of public and/or community history, particularly in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. This seminar will introduce this research, spotlight several case studies of public and community history in the Highlands and Islands, and begin to reflect on our findings.  

Several speakers will contribute short vignettes (some of which will be pre-recorded) introducing public and community history research being undertaken in the Highlands and Islands. These projects will be contextualised and used to discuss broader themes and findings from the UHI Centre for History and CHPPC research project.

This session is in collaboration with the University of Highlands and Islands’ Centre for History

IHR Seminar Series: People, Place and Community