Emotional History and the Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH)
Professor Claire Langhamer responds to a new BBIH online reading list focusing on the history of emotions
Here we offer a selection of themed reading lists, selected from the Bibliography of British and Irish History.
The Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH) provides records of over 650,000 publications (books, journal articles, and chapters in edited collections) relating to British and Irish history.
The Bibliography's editors and Brepols regularly work together to produce themed online reading lists of recently published works, drawn from the Bibliography:
Our coverage of recently published titles is ongoing, and further records will be added in future updates of the Bibliography.
Please note: each reading list provides basic BBIH data only. Within BBIH itself, individual records for each publication offer additional information about the work, indexing and metadata to extend your search, external links (e.g. to publisher’s website and reviews) and tools to cite and export records via referencing software. Nor, we appreciate, is this a complete listing of relevant titles: we encourage you to use BBIH's 'advanced search' options to broaden or revise your enquiries.