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Submit a Proposal

NHP editors welcome proposals for for a wide variety of book types, including monographs, edited volumes, and shorter form works.

We encourage submissions relating to all historical periods and subjects.

Submitting a proposal for the NHP series

The series accepts proposals for a wide variety of book types, including monographs, edited volumes, and shorter form works (such as those too long to be journal articles but not as long as traditional monographs).

In addition to books solely authored by early career scholars, the series will also accept works produced by collaborations between early career historians and senior scholars.

Eligibility for the NHP series

All early career scholars who have received their doctoral degree from a university in the UK or the Republic of Ireland within the last ten years are eligible to submit proposals to New Historical Perspectives.

Submitting your proposal

To submit a proposal, please download and complete the NHP Proposal Form via the link below. Send your completed proposal to:

For general enquiries regarding the NHP series, please contact the Royal Historical Society.

To contact the series convenors directly, please email either Professor Heather Shore (Manchester Metropolitan University) or Professor Elizabeth Hurren (University of Leicester).

NHP proposal form

NHP Book Proposal Form DOCX 128.76 KB

New Historical Perspectives: author's style sheet

NHP author's style sheet PDF 174.09 KB