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Open Access Publishing

The IHR encourages the development of Open Access (OA) publishing for historians and readers.

Three of our books series are published Open Access, and we also provide workshops on OA for historians.


The IHR & Open Access publishing

The IHR advocates for developments in Open Access publishing that are sustainable and beneficial for the dissemination of high-quality historical research, while not being detrimental to historians and the profession, broadly defined.

We have three book series (the IHR Conference series, IHR Shorts, and New Historical Perspectives) that are published Open Access. In each case, titles are published without charge to authors or contributors, though fees are requested where external funders make provision for this.

All titles in these series are available free via JSTOR OA Books and the online publishing platform of University of London Press.

We also host regular workshops on 'Publishing for Historians', which include discussion of Open Access. With partner organisations such as the Royal Historical Society, the IHR also monitors developments in Open Access policy to assess its impact on historians.

IHR Open Access in numbers

As a history publisher, the IHR is a prominent advocate for and creator of Open Access content

  • 0 : No APCs levied on authors of OA books
  • 3 : IHR book series published as Open Access
  • 5-10 : New OA titles published by the IHR annually
  • 21 : Single and multi-authored books currently available as OA
  • 275 : Book chapters available Open Access via JSTOR

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