Projects Archive

Here you'll find links to previous research projects based at the IHR's former Centre for Metropolitan History (CMH), and earlier publications run through the CMH or the Victoria County History.

Former research projects

Prior to the creation of the Centre for the History of People, Place and Community, a range of IHR research projects took place within the Institute's former Centre for Metropolitan History (CMH).

Information about former research projects is now available via the IHR Web Archive to which we'll be adding further archive content over the coming months.

A selection of active research websites, initiated by the CMH, also remain accessible within our current Research Resources. These sites include the Records of London's Livery Companies Online (ROLLCO) and People, Property and Charity: The Clothworkers’ Company, 1500-1688.

Former publications on urban and regional history

A list of earlier CMH publications, which are still available for print purchase, appears as part of our Back Catalogue of IHR Publications. These titles include collections on medieval and early modern guilds, the Thames and guides to using the census.

Earlier volumes in the VCH's England's Past for Everyone series are also available for print purchase.