VCH Cornwall Publications

Volume I of VCH Cornwall was published in 1906 and was the only completed volume until work restarted in the county in 2002.

Red Book Publications

Volume I

Edited by William Page, this introductory volume was published in 1906.

It contains entries on the following topics:

  • Natural History
  • Early Man
  • Anglo-Saxon Remains
  • Stone Circles
  • Early Christian Monuments
  • Ancient Earthworks
  • Maritime History
  • Industries

The full text is available via the Internet Archive.

Volume II (part 5) - Romano British Remains and a note on Milestones and Roads

Edited by William Page, the part volume was published in 1924.

This part included entries on Romano-British remains by F. Haverfield and a note on the Milestones and Roads of Cornwall by R.G. Collingwood.

The full text is available via the Internet Archive.

Volume II (part 8) - The Domesday Survey of Cornwall

Edited by William Page and L.F. Salzman, this part volume was published in 1924.

It included the Domesday survey for the county with an index. 

Volume II - Religious History to c.1560

Written by Nicholas Orme, this volume was published in 2010.

Religious history is the focus of this volume, which covers the development of Christianity in the county from its Romano-British origins up to the Elizabethan Church Settlement of 1559; it provides the first ever in-depth study of the county's religious history during the Middle Ages and the Reformation. The story it tells is a highly distinctive one, full of interest, covering the uniquely numerous local saints and founders, their legends and the parish churches, chapels, holy wells and religious sites associated with them, as well as the larger religious communities. The Cornish clergy are placed in a national context and the impact of their scholarship on the wider word is emphasised.

Five general chapters are followed by detailed histories of the 35 monasteries, friaries, collegiate churches, and hospitals in the county. The book is well-illustrated throughout, with numerous maps, plans, and photographs.

England's Past for Everyone Publications