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History and Public Health

The History and Public Health IHR Seminar Series is organised by the Centre for History in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. 

LSHTM & Online- via Zoom.
Varies, see below for details
Alex Mold (LSHTM) and Jamie Banks (LSHTM)

About the seminar

The History and Public Health IHR Seminar Series is organised by the Centre for History in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Seminars in this series encompass a wide range of topics, time periods and geographical locations, all under the broad heading of the history of ‘public health’.  As well as historians, our seminars draws an audience comprising of anthropologists, epidemiologists and clinicians.

Image: Discarded medicine bottles at a hospital pharmacy. Credit: John Manton, 2012