London Group of Historical Geographers
Since 1989, the London Group of Historical Geographers has organised fortnightly themed seminars that are interdisciplinary in focus. The Group brings together scholars and practitioners from across the arts, humanities, and social sciences to examine geographical themes across a range of historical periods.

- Venue
- Hybrid: Wolfson NB01 & Online- via Zoom.
- Time
- Tuesday 17:30
- Convenors
- Felix Driver (Royal Holloway, London), Margot Finn (UCL), Innes Keighren (Royal Holloway University of London) and Miles Ogborn (Queen Mary University of London).
About the seminar
The London Group of Historical Geographers was originally established in 1981. Since 1989 it has organised fortnightly themed seminars across three terms of the academic year. The seminar’s themes have ranged across empire and decolonisation, oceanography and topography, indigeneity and identity, and archives and collections.
Keep up to date with the latest information from the seminar by visiting the London Group of Historical Geographers website.
You can check the IHR Podcast page for any recordings from this seminar.
Image: Londini Angliae regni metropolis delineatio accuratissima, by F. de Witt (c. 1693). Universiteitsbibliotheek Vrije Universiteit, LL.05908gk: 138/od/1693
About the seminar
Format and Schedule
- Seminars are delivered either in-person hybrid or online-only via Zoom and run on Tuesdays from 17:30 to 19:00 UK time.
- Seminars ordinarily consist of a 45-minute paper followed by 45 minutes for discussion, although other formats, such as panel discussions and author-discussant exchanges, are occasionally used.
- Seminars are advertised in advance on the IHR website, the Group’s website, via its dedicated mailing list, and on Bluesky.
Asking and Answering Questions
- Questions are invited by the seminar chair and will include both in-person and online audiences for hybrid sessions.
- Online audience members are invited to indicate their wish to ask a question directly or to have it read out by the session chair.
- The meeting chat function can be used to record comments for the speaker that will be shared with them after the session.
Post-Seminar Meal / Drinks
- The Group normally invites all in-person participants to continue discussions over a drink in a nearby pub.
- Following drinks, there is the ordinarily an opportunity to enjoy a meal in a nearby restaurant. The Group’s convenors will gauge interest on the evening; no pre-booking is required. The Group seeks, wherever possible, to offer a modest subsidy to PhD students, early career researchers, and precariously employed colleagues.
Contact Information
The seminar is organised by four convenors, each of whom is happy to provide additional information about the Group and its seminars:
• Felix Driver:
• Margot Finn:
• Innes M. Keighren:
• Miles Ogborn: