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Philosophy of History

The Philosophy of History Seminar offers a forum for reflection on the nature of historicity, seeking to explore the nature of historical understanding, interpretation, and explanation. 

Online-via Zoom.
Thursday 17:30
Robert Burns+, Helena Hammond (Roehampton), Warren Oliver, Mark Mason (Chichester), Kalle Pihlainen (Åbo, Finland) and James Connelly (University of Hull).

About the seminar

The Philosophy of History Seminar offers a forum for reflection on the nature of historicity as such, both in socio-cultural formations and in individual human existence. It seeks to explore the nature of historical understanding, interpretation, and explanation, and thereby foster reflective and critical reappraisal of the enterprise of historical research and writing in all its forms.

Established in 2000, the seminar has always welcomed all those with an interest in the philosophy of history, broadly and diversely construed. It normally meets at the IHR on five Thursday evenings in the Autumn Term, and five in the Spring Term, and also occasionally organizes day colloquia and conferences on specific topics.

From the beginning of 2019 it intends to extend its activities to promoting, developing and maintaining a network of scholars and researchers in the philosophy of history, nationally and internationally, through the employment of social media, including a Twitter account, a Facebook page and a digital repository. Together they will provide a platform for initiating and maintaining communication by hosting or linking to the seminar programme, bibliographies, draft papers and responses, and an archive of papers and past programmes.

The seminar is open to all those interested in the philosophy of history, broadly construed (including historiography, historical theory, methodology). Meetings usually take place fortnightly, five times in the Autumn Term and five in the Spring Term, on alternate Thursdays. 

For further information contact James Connelly on

Follow Philosophy of History on Twitter: @PhilHistIHR