About the American Friends of the IHR
If you're based in the United States, you can help the Institute of Historical Research to champion the importance of history, facilitate innovative historical research, and advocate for the long-term future of the discipline, by making a donation and so becoming an American Friend of the IHR (AFIHR).
The AFIHR is a philanthropic organisation. Members are donors to the IHR.
If you would like to make a donation to the AFIHR giving is easy. The IHR is an approved institution by the British Schools and Universities Foundation (BSUF) and so your gift will be tax efficient for you, and the IHR will receive your donation with no further costs.
The BSUF is an official charitable organisation registered in the United States and so all gifts are tax deductible. You can give in the USA via Check, Credit Card, and donate securities too. For more information have a look at the BSUF's website https://www.bsuf.org/
If you would like to get in touch with the American Friends then please contact either Professor Tim Harris @ Brown University or Professor Newton Key @ Eastern Illinois University.
Donating to the American Friends of the IHR

Gifts to the AFIHR are received and processed by the BSUF which is an official charitable organization and all gifts are tax deductible. There are many ways you can donate:
Make checks payable in US dollars (US$) to 'British Schools and Universities Foundation, Inc.'
If you wish your donation to benefit the Institute of Historical Research, which is a BSUF approved institution, express a preference to support the Institute of Historical Research in the check memo.
Mail your check to: 575 Madison Avenue, Suite 1006, New York, NY 10022-2511.
Postmark on or before December 31st to qualify for current-year tax deduction.
In order to be voted, donations must arrive at their New York City mailing address by the Thursday before the Tuesday Board of Director’s meeting (upcoming meeting schedule).
BSUF can accept checks in GBP, but banks charge a large fee to convert to USD. This results in a smaller amount.
The British Schools and Universities Foundation will provide you with a receipt which you can use for your tax return.
Credit card
You can donate by credit card online at the BSUF giving page at Network for Good. You can set a one-time or recurring donation.
Network for Good will deduct 3% from your donation for processing, or you can opt to cover this in your donation.
Your receipt for tax purposes will come from Network for Good.
For further information about giving from the USA, including making gifts by wire transfer click here.