British Friends of IHR
The British Friends of the IHR are an important network of historians who assist the Institute in its mission to support historians. They provide a valuable contribution to the activities of the Institute with members carrying out an important ambassadorial role. Specifically, the British Friends fund bursaries, studentships and offer financial support for IHR activities in general.
About the Friends
British Friends Committee
- Professor Caroline Barron OBE (Chair)
- Dr Chris Lewis
- Dr Jill Pellew
- Dr Roland Quinault
- Dr Daniel Snowman
- Dr Jenny Stratford
How to Join
Membership of the British Friends of the IHR is £30 per year (1 August-31 July).
To join: please follow this link to pay directly to our account with CAF: https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/1637
If you have any queries, please contact Jade Chesterton at jade.chesterton@sas.ac.uk