On Thursday 4th March the IHR in collaboration with former Layers of London staff Amy Todd Liam Cunningham of Dig Yourself  and Dr Michael Eades SAS Public Engagement Manager & Research Fellow hosted an online working: Taking Public History Online.

With lockdowns and social distancing we have all had to rethink how we engage audiences with our research, heritage and histories and for much of the past year that has meant moving online. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing and indeed with these restrictions many have discovered creative new opportunities to reach new audiences.

The workshop will gave advice on developing digital engagement programme, running online events, and promoting your activities to a broad audience. It featured examples of innovating online engagement work and shared best practice  guidelines from people working in this field.

The session highlighted the potential pitfalls of reaching audiences on the internet and offer some guidance on overcoming the digital divide in these times of social distancing. 


Dig Yourself presentation PDF 6.85 MB
Courtauld presentation PDF 13.45 MB
Catch up on the session now